Project Accepted for Incubation!

OpenServerless is now incubating at the Apache Software Foundation!

It is official! Apache OpenServerless is now an incubating project at the Apache Software Foundation! The result of the vote was positive and this is the email announcing the result of the vote on the Incubator Mailing List.

From: Jean-Baptiste Onofré 
Date: Tuesday 18 June 2024 16:20:06 BST 
Subject: [RESULT][VOTE] Accept OpenServerless into the ASF incubator 

Hi folks,

this vote passed with the following result:

+1 (binding): Francis Chuang, PJ Fanning, Yu Xiao, Duo Zhang,
 Bertrand Delacretaz, Zhongyi Tan, Zhang Yonglun, Charles Zhang, 
 Enrico Olivelli, Dave Fisher, François Papon, 
 Roman Shaposhnik, Yu Li, Calvin Kirs 

+1 (non binding): ZhangJian He, Nicolò Boschi, likeho

Thanks all for your vote !

Regards JB