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Type ops <task> to see usage and subtasks.

OpenServerless Administration Tasks

  admin       Manage additional users in OpenServerless
  config      Manage the Apache OpenServerless configuration
  setup       Setup the Apache OpenServerless platform on multiple environments
  debug       Debug utilities for the Apache OpenServerless platform
  cloud       OpenServerless setup utilities for supported Deployment models on Cloud Providers
  util        Utilities

OpenServerless Development Tasks

  ide         OpenServerless Development Utilities

OpenWhisk Tasks

  action      Manage actions
  invoke      Invoke an action (pass parameters with <key>=<value>)
  url         Get the url of an action
  activations Manage activations
  logs        Show logs of activations
  result      Show results of activations
  package     Manage packages
  trigger     Manage triggers
  rule        Manage rules for triggers

1 - Admin

Administer OpenServerless users.


In OpenServerless, users are namespaces. You can create namespaces and choose which services to enable.

  admin adduser <username> <email> <password> [--all] [--redis] [--mongodb] [--minio] [--postgres] [--milvus] [--storagequota=<quota>|auto]
  admin deleteuser <username>


  admin adduser       create a new user in OpenServerless with the username, email and password provided
  admin deleteuser    delete a user from the OpenServerless installation via the username provided


  --all                   enable all services
  --redis                 enable redis
  --mongodb               enable mongodb
  --minio                 enable minio
  --postgres              enable postgres
  --milvus                enable milvus vector db

2 - Cloud

Administer cloud and baremetal infrastructure

OpenServerless Cloud Administration Tasks

Administer deploy of various kubernetes cluster on different cloud providers or virtual machines or bare metal.

aks           Azure AKS subcommands
aws           Amazon Web Services subcommands
azcloud       Azure Cloud subcommands
eks           Amazon Web Services - EKS subcommands
gcloud        Google Cloud subcommands
gke           Google Cloud - GKE subcommands
k3s           Rancher K3S subcommands
mk8s          Ubuntu MicroK8s subcommands
osh           RedHat OpenShift subcommands

2.1 - Aks

Create and Manage an Azure AKS cluster


  aks config
  aks create
  aks delete
  aks kubeconfig
  aks lb
  aks status


  config      configure an Azure AKS kubernetes cluster
  create      create an Azure AKS kubernetes cluster
  delete      delete the current Azure AKS cluster
  kubeconfig  extract the kubeconfig to access
  lb          show the load balancer
  prereq      check prerequisites
  status      show the cluster status

2.2 - Aws

Create and Manage an Amazon Virtual Machines and Dns Zones


  aws vm-list
  aws vm-create <name>
  aws vm-delete <name>
  aws vm-getip  <name>
  aws zone-create <zone>
  aws zone-delete <zone>
  aws zone-list  [<zone>]
  aws zone-update <zone> (--host=<host>|--wildcard) (--vm=<vm>|--ip=<ip>|--cname=<cname>)


  vm-list     lists the vm and their ips
  vm-create   create a vm
  vm-getip    get ip
  vm-delete   delete the vm
  zone-create create a zone - you will have to delegate the zone 
              from the parent zone assigning the nameservers
  zone-delete delete a zone
  zone-list   list zones
  zone-update update a zone with an ip, a cname or the ip of a vm

2.3 - Azcloud

Manage Azure Virtual Machines and DNS Zones


  azcloud vm-list
  azcloud vm-ip <name>
  azcloud vm-create <name>
  azcloud vm-delete <name>
  azcloud vm-getip  <name>
  azcloud zone-create <zone>
  azcloud zone-delete <zone>
  azcloud zone-list  [<zone>]
  azcloud zone-update <zone> (--host=<host>|--wildcard) (--vm=<vm>|--ip=<ip>|--cname=<cname>)


  vm-ip       create public ip
  vm-list     lists the vm and their ips
  vm-create   create a vm
  vm-getip    get ip
  vm-delete   delete the vm
  zone-create create a zone - you will have to delegate the zone
              from the parent zone assigning the nameservers
  zone-delete delete a zone
  zone-list   list zones
  zone-update update a zone with an ip, a cname or the ip of a vm

2.4 - Eks

Create and Manage an Amazon EKS cluster


  eks config
  eks create
  eks delete
  eks kubeconfig
  eks lb
  eks status


  config      configure an Amazon EKS cluster
  create      create an Amazon EKS cluster
  delete      delete the current Amazon EKS cluster
  kubeconfig  extract kubeconfig for connecting to the cluster
  lb          show the load balancer hostname
  prereq      check prerequisites
  status      show the cluster status  

2.5 - Gcloud

Create and Manage Google Virtual Machines


  gcloud vm-list
  gcloud vm-create <name>
  gcloud vm-delete <name>
  gcloud vm-getip  <name>


  vm-list     lists the vm and their ips
  vm-create   create a vm
  vm-getip    get ip
  vm-delete   delete the vm

2.6 - Gke

Create and Manage Google Kubernetes Engine cluster


  gke config
  gke create
  gke delete
  gke kubeconfig
  gke lb


  config     configure a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster
  create     create a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster
  delete     delete aks cluster
  kubeconfig extract kubeconfig to access
  lb         show the load balancer

2.7 - K3s

Create and Manage K3S cluster


  k3s create <server> [<user>]
  k3s delete <server> [<user>]
  k3s info
  k3s kubeconfig <server> [<user>]
  k3s status


  create     create a k3s with ssh in <server> using <user> with sudo
  delete     uninstall k3s with ssh in <server> using <username> with sudo
  info       info on the server
  kubeconfig recover the kubeconfig from a k3s server <server> with user <username>
  status     status of the server

2.8 - Mk8s

Create and Manage an mk8s kubernetes cluster


  mk8s create <server> [<user>]
  mk8s delete <server> [<user>]
  mk8s info
  mk8s kubeconfig <server> [<user>]
  mk8s status


  create     create a mk8s with ssh in <server> using <user> with sudo
  delete     uninstall microk8s with ssh in <server> using <user> with sudo
  info       info on the server
  kubeconfig recover the kubeconfig from a server <server> with microk8s
  status     status of the server

2.9 - Osh

OpenShift configuration


    osh import <kubeconfig>
    osh test <kubeconfig>
    osh setup

3 - Config

Configure OpenServerless


  config (enable|disable) [--all] [--redis] [--mongodb] [--minio] [--cron] [--static] [--postgres] [--prometheus] [--slack] [--mail] [--affinity] [--tolerations] [--quota] [--milvus] 
  config apihost (<apihost>|auto) [--tls=<email>] [--protocol=<http/https>|auto]
  config runtimes [<runtimesjson>]  
  config slack [--apiurl=<slackapiurl>] [--channel=<slackchannel>]
  config mail  [--mailuser=<mailuser>] [--mailpwd=<mailpwd>] [--mailfrom=<mailfrom>] [--mailto=<mailto>]
  config volumes [--couchdb=<couchdb>] [--kafka=<kafka>] [--pgvol=<postgres>] [--storage=<storage>] [--alerting=<alerting>] [--zookeeper=<zookeeper>] [--redisvol=<redis>] [--mongodbvol=<mongodb>] [--etcdvol=<etcd>] [--mvvol=<milvus>] [--mvzookvol=<milvuszook>] [--pulsarjournalvol=<pulsarjournal>] [--pulsarledgelvol=<pulsarledge>]  
  config controller [--javaopts=<javaopts>] [--loglevel=<loglevel>] [--replicas=<replicas>]
  config invoker [--javaopts=<javaopts>] [--poolmemory=<poolmemory>] [--timeoutsrun=<timeoutsrun>] [--timeoutslogs=<timeoutslogs>] [--loglevel=<loglevel>] [--replicas=<replicas>]
  config limits [--time=<time>] [--memory=<memory>] [--sequencelength=<sequencelength>] [--perminute=<perminute>] [--concurrent=<concurrent>] [--triggerperminute=<triggerperminute>] [--activation_max_payload=<activation_max_payload>]
  config storage [--class=<storage_class>] [--provisioner=<storage_provisioner>]
  config postgres [--failover] [--backup] [--schedule=<cron_expression>] [--replicas=<replicas>]
  config minio [--s3] [--console]
  config milvus [--maxdbnum=<maxdbnum>]
  config etcd [--replicas=<replicas>]  
  config aws [--access=<access>] [--secret=<secret>] [--region=<region>] [--image=<image>] [--vm=<vm>] [--vmuser=<vmuser>] [--disk=<disk>] [--key=<key>] 
  config eks [--project=<project>] [--access=<access>] [--secret=<secret>] [--region=<region>] [--name=<name>] [--count=<count>] [--vm=<vm>] [--disk=<disk>] [--key=<key>] [--kubever=<kubever>]
  config gcloud [--project=<project>] [--region=<region>] [--vm=<vm>] [--disk=<disk>] [--key=<key>] [--image=<image>]
  config gke [--name=<name>] [--project=<project>] [--region=<region>] [--count=<count>] [--vm=<vm>] [--disk=<disk>]
  config azcloud [--project=<project>] [--region=<region>] [--vm=<vm>] [--disk=<disk>] [--key=<key>] [--image=<image>]
  config aks [--project=<project>] [--name=<name>] [--region=<region>] [--count=<count>]  [--vm=<vm>] [--disk=<disk>] [--key=<key>]
  config (status|export|reset)
  config use [<n>] [--delete] [--rename=<rename>]
  config minimal  


  config apihost          configure the apihost (auto: auto assign) and enable tls
  config runtime          show the current runtime.json or import the <runtime-json> if provided
  config enable           enable OpenServerless services to install
  config disable          disable OpenServerless services to install
  config slack            configure Alert Manager over a given slack channel
  config mail             configure Alert Manager over a gmail account
  config volumes          configure the volume size distinguished in 3 categories (openwhisk couchdb & kafka, database, minio storage, alerting, milvus)
  config controller       configure Openwhisk enterprise controller java options
  config invoker          configure Openwhisk enterprise invoker options
  config limits           configure Openwhisk actions limits
  config storage          allows to customize storage persistence class and provider
  config postgres         allows to customize enterprise options for nuvolaris default postgres deployment  
  config minio            allows to customize MINIO options
  config milvus           allows to customize MILVUS options
  config etcd             allows to customize ETCD options
  config aws              configure Amazon Web Service (AWS) credentials and parameters
  config gcloud           configure Google Cloud credentials and parameters
  config eks              configure Amazon EKS Kubernetes Cluster
  config azcloud          configure Azure VM credentials and parameters
  config aks              configure Azure AKS Kubernetes Cluster
  config gke              configure Google Cloud GKE Kubernetes Cluster
  config reset            reset configuration
  config status           show current configuration
  config export           export all the variables
  config use              use a different kubernetes cluster among those you created
  config minimal          shortcut for ops config enabling only redis,mongodb,minio,cron,static,postgres


  --all                 select all services
  --redis               select redis
  --mongodb             select mongodb (FerretDB Proxy)
  --minio               select minio
  --cron                select cron
  --static              select static
  --postgres            select postgres
  --tls=<email>         enable tls with let's encrypt, contact email required
  --access=<access>     specify access key
  --secret=<secret>     specify secret key  
  --name=<name>         specify name
  --region=<region>     specify region (AWS) location (Azure) or zone (GKE)
  --count=<count>       specify node count
  --vm=<vm>             specify vm type
  --disk=<disk>         specify disk size
  --key=<key>           specify ssh key name
  --kubever=<kubever>   specify kubernetes version
  --delete              delete the selected kubeconfig
  --image=<image>       specify gcp image type (default to ubuntu-minimal-2204-lts. Passing ubuntu-minimal-2204-lts-arm64 will create ARM based VM)
  --prometheus          select monitoring via Prometheus
  --slack               select alert manager module over Slack channel
  --mail                select alert manager module over mail channel using a gmail account
  --affinity            select pod affinity for multinode enterprise deployment. In such case load will be splitted between node labeled with nuvolaris-role in core or invoker
  --tolerations         select pod tolerations for multinode enterprise deployment.
  --failover            select failover support on components supporting it as postgres
  --backup              select automatic backup on components support it as postgres
  --s3                  activate s3 compatible ingress on components supporting it
  --console             activate a s3 console ingress on components supporting it (Currently MINIO)
  --quota               select quota checker module
  --milvus              select MILVUS vector database

4 - Debug

Debugging various parts of OpenServerless


    debug apihost           
    debug certs             
    debug config            
    debug images            
    debug ingress           
    debug kube              
    debug lb                
    debug log               
    debug route             
    debug runtimes          
    debug status            
    debug watch             
    debug operator:version  


    apihost           show current apihost
    certs             show certificates
    config            show deployed configuration
    images            show current images
    ingress           show ingresses
    kube              kubernetes support subcommand prefix
    lb                show ingress load balancer
    log               show logs
    route             show openshift route
    runtimes          show runtimes
    status            show deployment status
    watch             watch nodes and pod deployment
    operator:version  show operator versions

5 - Ide

OpenServerless Development Utilities.


    ide login [<username>] [<apihost>]
    ide devel [--dry-run]
    ide deploy [<action>] [--dry-run]
    ide undeploy [<action>] [--dry-run]
    ide clean
    ide setup 
    ide serve
    ide poll
    ide shell
    ide kill
    ide python
    ide nodejs


    ide login               login in openserverless
    ide devel               activate development mode
    ide deploy              deploy everything or just one action
    ide undeploy            undeploy everything or just one action
    ide clean               clean the temporay files
    ide setup               setup the ide
    ide serve               serve web area
    ide kill                kill current devel or deploy job
    ide poll                poll for logs
    ide shell               start a shell with current env
    ide python              python subcommands
    ide nodejs              nodejs subcommands

6 - Setup

Manage installation


  setup devcluster [--uninstall|--status] 
  setup cluster [<context>] [--uninstall|--status]
  setup server <server> [<user>] [--uninstall|--status]
  setup status
  setup uninstall
  setup prereq


  setup cluster       deploy Apache OpenServerless in the Kubernetes cluster using the <context>, default the current
  setup devcluster    deploy Apache OpenServerless in a devcluster created locally
                      you need Docker Desktop available with at least 6G of memory assigned
  setup server        create a Kubernetes in server <server> and deploy Apache OpenServerless
                      the server must be accessible with ssh using the <user> with sudo power, default root
  setup status        show the status of the last installation
  setup uninstall     uninstall the last installation
  setup prereq        validate current configuration


  --uninstall         execute an uninstall instead of an installation 
  --status            show the status instead of an installation 


  • kubernetes: prepare kubernetes
  • nuvolaris: install nuvolaris
  • docker: prepare docker

7 - Util

OpenServerless Utilities


  util system
  util update-cli
  util check-operator-version <version>
  util secrets
  util nosecrets
  util user-secrets <username>
  util no-user-secrets <username>
  util kubectl <args>...
  util kubeconfig
  util config <configjson> [--override] [--showhelp]
  util upload <folder> [--batchsize=<batchsize>] [--verbose] [--clean]


-  system                  system info (<os>-<arch> in Go format)
-  update-cli              update the cli downloading the binary
-  check-operator-version  check if you need to update the operator
-  secrets                 generate system secrets 
-  nosecrets               remove system secrets
-  user-secrets            generate user secrets for the given user
-  no-user-secrets         remove user secrets for the given user
-  kubectl                 execute kubectl on current kubeconfig
-  kubeconfig              export OVERWRITING current kubeconfig to ~/.kube/config
-  config                  update configuration file interactively
-  upload                  uploads a folder to the web bucket in OpenServerless.


  --showhelp              Show configuration tool help.
  --override               Override the current configuration.
  --verbose                Provide more details.
  --clean                  Remove all files from the web bucket before upload.
  --batchsize=<batchsize>  Number of concurrent web uploads