OpenServerless Ide Development Utilities.
ide login [<username>] [<apihost>]
ide devel [--fast] [--dry-run]
ide deploy [<action>] [--dry-run]
ide undeploy [<action>] [--dry-run]
ide clean
ide setup
ide serve
ide poll
ide shell
ide kill
ide python
ide nodejs
ide login login in openserverless
ide devel activate development mode
ide deploy deploy everything or just one action
ide undeploy undeploy everything or just one action
ide clean clean the temporay files
ide setup setup the ide
ide serve serve web area
ide kill kill current devel or deploy job
ide poll poll for logs
ide shell start a shell with current env
ide python python subcommands
ide nodejs nodejs subcommands
--fast Skip the initial deployment step and go in incremental update mode
--dry-run Simulates the execution without making any actual changes
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