App Deployment

Learn how to deploy your app on Apache Openserverless

App Deployment


Apache OpenServerless makes publishing a project a very simple operation. The project, organized in two main folders packages for the backend and web for the frontend, can be published immediately using the command ops ide deploy.

Once launched, the command takes care of:

  • creating the packages
  • preparing the actions with the relative dependencies
  • publishing the actions

Through the use of files according to the OpenWhisk manifests.yml standard, it is also possible to publish sequences, triggers and much more at the same time.


An OpenWhisk’s manifest file can be useful to automate the deploy of sequences, triggers, rules. Action and packages are simpler to deploy using ops ide deploy

The ops ide deploy command also takes care of managing the parameters inserted in the annotations and injecting the variables from the configuration or from the .env file located in the packages folder.

Packaging the App

Even if not necessary, we’ll package both actions and sequences. Let’s create, inside the packages folder, two files:

  • 01-actions.yaml
  • 02-sequences.yaml

We’ll do so, because actions are required to deploy sequences.

The directory structure should be like this:

├── packages
│   ├── 01-actions.yaml
│   ├── 02-sequences.yaml
│   └── contact
│       ├── create-table.js
│       ├── notify.js
│       ├── submit.js
│       └── write.js
└── web
    └── index.html

The Action Manifest File

Inside the 01-actions.yaml put this content:

        type: string
        value: $POSTGRES_URL    

        function: contact/submit.js
        web: true

        function: contact/write.js
        web: true

        function: contact/notify.js
        web: true
            type: string
            value: $NOTIFICATION_URL

        function: contact/create-table.js

At the top level we have the standard packages keyword, under which we can define the packages we want. Until now we created all of our actions in the contact package so we add it under packages.

Then under each package, the actions keyword is needed so we can add our action custom names with the path to the code (with function). Finally we also add web: true which is equivalent to --web true when creating the action manually.

Finally we used the inputs keyword to define the parameters to inject in the function.

This file will be automatically deployed by the ops ide deploy command.

The Sequences Manifest File

Inside the 01-actions.yaml put this content:

        actions: submit, write
        web: true
        actions: submit-write, notify
        web: true

At the top level we define the packages keyword and immediately after, the contact package. We just have to add the sequences key at the contact level and define the sequences we want with the available actions.

Also this file will be automatically deployed by the ops ide deploy command.

Test the deploy

To test the deploy, let’s run again the command ops ide deploy:

ops ide deploy
PID 28177
> Scan:
>> Action: packages/contact/write.js
>> Action: packages/contact/create-table.js
>> Action: packages/contact/submit.js
>> Action: packages/contact/notify.js
> Deploying:
>> Package: contact
$ $OPS package update contact 
ok: updated package contact
>>> Action: packages/contact/write.js
$ $OPS action update contact/write packages/contact/write.js --kind nodejs:default --param POSTGRES_URL $POSTGRES_URL
ok: updated action contact/write
>>> Action: packages/contact/create-table.js
$ $OPS action update contact/create-table packages/contact/create-table.js --kind nodejs:default --param POSTGRES_URL $POSTGRES_URL
ok: updated action contact/create-table
>>> Action: packages/contact/submit.js
$ $OPS action update contact/submit packages/contact/submit.js --web true --kind nodejs:default
ok: updated action contact/submit
>>> Action: packages/contact/notify.js
$ $OPS action update contact/notify packages/contact/notify.js --param NOTIFICATION_URL $NOTIFICATION_URL
ok: updated action contact/notify
Found packages .env file. Reading it
>>> Manifest: packages/01-actions.yaml
$ $OPS -wsk project deploy --manifest packages/01-actions.yaml
Success: Deployment completed successfully.
>>> Manifest: packages/02-sequences.yaml
$ $OPS -wsk project deploy --manifest packages/02-sequences.yaml
Success: Deployment completed successfully.
build process exited with code 0
==================| UPLOAD RESULTS |==================
| FILES      : 1
| ERRORS     : 0
| SKIPPED    : 0
| EXEC. TIME : 35.72 ms
URL: http://opstutorial.localhost:80

As you can see, after deploying the actions, the deployer will find the manifest files and deploy them in lexicographic order.